
A message from Lesiar

Hi everyone.


I was going to post some info today but Ghaelen has already put it succinctly and clearly on the Facebook Fansite, so I am re-quoting what she has said there, to this blog for those not on the fan site.


From Ghaelen:


“I want to thank Josh for coming to Buzz today and answering the numerous questions regarding the inception of Sinespace Worlds and what it 'actually' means for existing and future community users. I'd also like to thank Paul Lincoln and Richard Merrett for being Guinea pigs and agreeing to open a prototype-themed grid (my term, not theirs) that we can all help test (Jeff's Place). It is sad that this positive news comes so close in time to the negative news about staff layoffs. I am learning that the two together created quite a bit of confusion in the existing community. I actually heard both at the same time as I came up for air after being buried in a grueling RL project for months. So I had a lot of questions myself.


Personal feelings aside, I think I understand what the new developments mean for our community. If you see something incorrect, and you are certain that it is incorrect (and check your facts, please) then let me know and I'll update the post.


  1. There's some notion that Sinespace is closing. That's not happening. Sinespace is opening up more spaces for more people in more ways, for LESS $$. I was there when the question was asked and Josh answered it. No, Sinespace is not closing.

  2. I've heard that some folks think that the Public Grid is closing and it will be replaced by Jeff's place. After asking about that, I learned that the Public Grid will not be closed. And, in fact, Jeff's place (and any future grid) is IN ADDITION to the Public Grid, not instead of it. The Public Grid has to stay in place, because it is the main Grid #0, and Grid #0 has to be there so that Grid 1, 2, 3, 600, 852, etc can be added on. Jeff's Place (###?) is a prototype of what I would call a new "hybrid grid" that we (regular users/creators, etc) can potentially own/manage/run ourselves. But - what would this type of grid need for little 'ol me to be able to manage it? I'm sure not a dev! Jeff's Place is there for us to TEST - chat, dance, test the store, find bugs, try teleporting back to the Public Grid, use voice, etc,. We'll do all the things we're used to doing, and this will help Sinespace to understand what functions each Sinespace World grid needs in order to run properly "out of the box." So Jeff's (and future grids) are collaborating with Sinespace. It is not a competition. To get it straight from the horses' mouth (what does that mean, anyway?) here's a work in progress: https://jeffsplace3d.com/

  3. "I have to move my region to Jeff's Place." No you don't. I understand that was confusing for a while. The question was asked more than once today. I didn't hear anything to indicate that our regions had to be moved anywhere. I did hear a few people express interest in managing a grid, and then they might move their regions to their own grid. You CAN move your regions to Jeff's Place (and some people will!) But you don't have to. I haven't moved my regions and no one told me I had to. So set aside the panic and let's just wait a bit until we know more about what all this change will look like.

  4. There will be changes. Yes, I learned that is true. This is where it gets really confusing - and rather intriguing. As an existing user, you might not notice much of anything. Existing DJs, event hosts, guides, and greeters may see changes in their allotment of gold. Maybe the Welcome Center will look different. Maybe there will be a new kind of map or you'll see clusters of regions within a specific 'named grid (Steampunk City or the Wild Wild SouthEast)." You might have the choice to 'live' in the Cloud Grid in a cloud region of your own. Or you'll see new events appear next to existing ones in the calendar. We, as a community of creative people, will be able to offer more activities if we choose to.

  5. As someone with a storytelling bent, I'm very interested in the idea that a whole grid could be dedicated to that story - events, quests, gifts, regions, shop items, goodies.... BUT - what does it entail? What are the hidden costs? What can I control/not control? Do I have time? (That's a huge one for me!). In the meantime, I will help test the functions in Jeff's Place, and keep asking questions. I've been around Sinespace for a while. I don't always get an answer, but I won't if I never ask the question. I encourage you to ask questions, too.

  6. Thank you, Mimi Marie Beckton for hosting Buzz and other events and for running this huge group as a volunteer. Thank you, too, to all the guides, greeters, and volunteer event hosts. I can't volunteer as much as I would like, so you all have my heartfelt thanks.

Thanks everyone



Latest News

Hey there, welcome to Jeff's Place.

Jeff's Place is a community grid built using the new SineSpace Communities platform. Lesiar and I will be helping SineWave by pioneering this platform, we look forward to you all joining us and helping to build a second to none community.

There have been a lot of changes recently and with change come the rumors, so let me clarify a few things here so there is less confusion:

  • The main SineSpace grid will remain open, communities are private grids that owners can create their own specific communities ie. Roleplaying community grid. These grids will be linked with the main grid in such a way that you will be able to teleport from the main grid.
  • Lesiar and I are helping SineWave to start the new community grids. We are not in competition with we are in addition to the main grid.
  • We are still unclear on the feature set of the comminity grids, it's new for us just as it is for SineWave. As we learn more we will share more.
  • The site you are looking at now is under development lots more to come soon.
  • Yes.. Jeff still doesnt quite know what he's doing, or what day of the week it is... but we are working on it.

More news will follow as we get more info, for the time being why not visit our forums, they're fun :)






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